Membership + Support
As an all-volunteer, non-profit organization, our PTA is only as strong as you help us make it. Please join us in creating fun, educational, and enriching experiences for our school community!
As an all-volunteer, non-profit organization, our PTA is only as strong as you help us make it. Please join us in creating fun, educational, and enriching experiences for our school community!
Being a member is one of the most important and easiest ways to support PTA and stay connected with what we do. You will be added to our member e-mail list and receive our newsletters and notices of association meetings.
Yearly dues are $10 per member (plus a $1 online processing fee). Membership entitles you to a $5 discount on many of our Spirit Wear items, so membership can easily pay for itself!
Every donation helps us fund the events, books, supplies, and other enrichment opportunities we provide to our school and families! Plymouth PTA is a a registered 501(c)(3) which means that your donations are tax-deductible.
Donate easily online through GiveLively or, if you prefer, checks can be written to “Plymouth PTA” and mailed to
Plymouth PTA
c/o Plymouth Elementary School
1300 Boley Street
Monrovia, California 91016
Show your school spirit while supporting PTA! We have lots of comfy designs that kids and grown-ups all love.
Conveniently shop online and bonus: all sales benefit our PTA! (Extra bonus: students can wear Plymouth shirts as part of their school uniform!)
There are several easy, ongoing—and no cost to you!—programs that earn money for our school.
Shop With RaiseRight (formerly know as Scrip) is the online version of the RaiseRight programs you may have used before. Raise Right earns money for our school because participating companies automatically donate a percentage of the gift cards you purchase through the Scrip program. Here’s how to get set up:
Go to Shop With Raise Right.
Click Join a Program.
Enter our Enrollment Code L6B992F427928 which will link your account to Plymouth PTA.
Click Register. You’ll answer two security questions, and then you’ll be ready to order and earn rebates for our school!
BoxTops for Education donates $0.10 for every BoxTop submitted by our PTA. This year the program is going digital! Companies are starting to switch to a blue BoxTop which can be redeemed when you scan your grocery store receipt with a phone app. No more cutting and sending to school! Learn more here.