2021 STEAM Family Night
Thank you for joining the virtual edition of our 2021 STEAM Family Night! STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math, and we are so lucky at Plymouth to have amazing school and PTA partners who show us how STEAM applies to our everyday lives. We hope you enjoy meeting a few of these partners through their videos and try out some of the related activities at home!
If you RSVPed for the virtual option, you should have received a STEAM Family Night Take-Home Kit. If you need one, please email us at plymouthpta@yahoo.com to see if any are still available. You can find instructional videos for the printmaking and bioswale projects below.
Don’t forget to share photos of your projects with us on Facebook @plymouthpta or Instagram @plymouthdragons, #plymouthpta, #plymouthdragons.
Science with Food ED
Meet Kristin Ritzau from Food ED and learn about the wonderful science curriculum Food ED is bringing to our classrooms. Watch Kristin’s second video to learn about the exciting new community compost that will soon be open on the Plymouth campus!
Technology with Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
We are so lucky to once again have Tom Traeger and his colleagues at Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers sharing their amazing telescopes with our Plymouth community! Make sure to visit Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers to find out when their next night sky viewing event will be.
Engineering with Amigos de los Rios
Amigos de los Rios is truly an amazing partner to our school and to our community! Their work bringing trees, native plants, and natural stormwater capture techniques to Plymouth is part of their “Emerald Necklace” vision for a network of parks, trails, river greenways and green schools throughout the Los Angeles Basin.
Art with Creative World Art Center
We’re so excited that Creative World Art Center will be working with our students at Plymouth this school year—either in person or through video instruction—to develop their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills!